Neo Ultra Q
Neo Ultra Q is a 2013 Japanese television drama broadcast by WOWOW and produced by Tsuburaya Productions as the 24th entry in the Ultra Series. It is billed as a second season of the 1966 drama Ultra Q,[1][2][3][4][5] which began the Ultra Series. It premiered on January 12, 2013.
Neo Ultra Q
On July 25, 2017, Toku announced that the series would air in the United States on its channel with English subtitles beginning August 15, 2017
Neo Ultra Q
Neo Ultra Q (ネオ・ウルトラQ Neo Urutora Kyū), first broadcast on January 12, 2013, by WOWOW and produced by Tsuburaya Productions, is the 24th entry in the Ultra Series. It was created as the second season of Ultra Q,[1][2] the very first entry into the franchise. While it retains a horror/mystery atmosphere, the series does have more comedic parts than the original.
Neo Ultra Q
On July 25, 2017, Toku announced that the series would air in the United States on its channel with English subtitles beginning August 15, 2017. [3][4] It became available to stream on its Amazon Prime channel in late January 2018 and on its own streaming service in late May 2018.
Neo Ultra Q