Ultraman is a Japanese tokusatsu science fiction television series created by Eiji Tsuburaya. It is a follow-up to Ultra Q, though not technically a sequel or spin-off. Tsuburaya Productions produced 39 episodes (40, counting the pre-premiere special) that aired on Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) from July 17, 1966 to April 9, 1967. Its premiere topped the average rating set by Ultra Q and kept climbing each week, marking the show as a success.[1]
Ultraman 1966
Although Ultraman is the first series to feature an Ultraman character, it is the second installment in the Ultra Series, following Ultra Q. This is signified in the Japanese show opening by the Ultra Q logo exploding into the Ultraman logo. Ultraman and its titular hero became a major pop culture phenomena in Japan, spawning dozens of sequels, spin-offs, rip-offs, imitators, parodies and tributes.[2][3] Ultraman went on to generate $7.4 billion in merchandising revenue from 1966 to 1987[4] (equivalent to more than $17 billion adjusted for inflation) and become the world’s third top-selling licensed character by the 1980s (largely due to his popularity in Asia)
Ultraman 1966
When the Earth is threatened by alien invaders and giant monsters, the world relies on the Science Patrol, a special anti-monster defense agency armed with high-tech weaponry and vehicles to combat these threats from the unknown. When the Science Patrol’s weaponry is ineffective and all hope is lost, one of their members, Hayata, transforms into a giant alien called Ultraman to defeat the monstrous menace threatening the Earth, unbeknownst to the other Science Patrol members, who are unaware of his secret identity
Ultraman 1966
Ultraman: A Special-Effects Fantasy Series (ウルトラマン 空想特撮シリーズ Urutoraman: Kūsō Tokusatsu Shirīzu), more simply and widely known as Ultraman (ウルトラマン Urutoraman), is a Japanese Tokusatsu television series that first aired in 1966 and is a follow-up to the television series Ultra Q, though not technically a sequel or spin-off. The show was produced by the Tsuburaya Productions, and was broadcast on Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) from July 17, 1966 to April 9, 1967, with a total of 39 episodes (40, counting the pre-premiere special that aired on July 10, 1966).
Ultraman 1966
Although Ultraman is the first series to feature an Ultra-Being, it is actually the second show in the Ultra Series; Ultra Q was the first. In fact, Ultraman opens with the Ultra Q logo exploding into the Ultraman logo. Ultraman ultimately became a major pop culture phenomenon in Japan and then in Asia, and the rest of the world. The show’s success spawned dozens of sequels, spin-offs, imitators, parodies and remakes.
Ultraman 1966
This series is said to take place at some point in the 1990s; this was retconned once Return of Ultraman was released in 1971, placing the events of the series in the year of its production, 1966.
Ultraman 1966
The first series begins when SSSP member Shin Hayata is flying his plane and a red sphere of light crashes into his Sub VTOL. The sphere turns out to be the transport (Travel Sphere) for a red-and-silver giant being who calls himself Ultraman.
Ultraman 1966
Feeling remorse for having killed the human, he merges his essence with Hayata to revive him. In return, Hayata serves as the human form for this being, and whenever danger threatens, and the resources of the Science Patrol are not enough to counter it, he raises and activates a device called the Beta Capsule and transforms to Ultraman to save the day.
Ultraman 1966